Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Lunches: 9.29.15

It's Tuesday!
Sandwich: 30g, seaweed snack: 1g, strawberries: 5g, yogurt star cookies: 12g
The Boy has a sandwich on a baguette with hummus, cheese, and ham. He also has some seaweed snacks (he loves these!), strawberries, and yogurt star cookies.  His snack is a cereal bar (not pictured, 27g)

The Girl has a sandwich with hummus, ham, and cheese on a baguette, with trek mix, strawberries, and some yogurt star cookies.

Monday, September 28, 2015

Lunches: 9.28.15

Happy Monday!  We are all a little tired over here, because we stayed up (and let the kids stay up!) to see the Blood Moon Eclipse, but the view was worth the slow morning!  Of course, I cannot get a good picture with my phone, but I think the internet has enough pictures of the glorious moon for all of us.
Sandwich: 35g, yogurt: 10g, apple slices: 8g, yogurt star cookies: 12g

The Boy has a ham sandwich with hummus, a yogurt, apple slices from one of our own trees, and some yogurt star cookies.  His snack is a trail mix (not pictured, 26g).

The Girl also has a ham sandwich with hummus, a yogurt, apple slices, and some yogurt star cookies.

Lunches: 9.25.15

Happy Friday!!
Pot pie: 30g, strawberries: 5g, pea crisps: 2g

For lunches, the kids have leftover chicken pot pie that I made for dinner last night, and they loved.  They also have strawberries and pea crisps.  The Boy's snack is some trail mix (not pictured, 28g)

Hope that you all have a great Friday, and a fabulous weekend!

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Lunches: 9.24.15

It's Thursday!
Trail mix: 28g, meat & cheese: 2g, apple slices: 6g, strawberries: 6g

Quick lunches for this beautiful Fall day.  The Boy has a beef & pork stick, a cheese stick, a granola trail mix, apple slices, and strawberries.  His snack is a cereal bar (not pictured, 27g).

The Girl also has a beef & pork stick, cheese, granola trail mix, apple slices, and strawberries.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Lunches: 9.23.15

Happy Wednesday, and Happy Fall!

Sandwich: 30g, pea crisps: 2g, strawberries: 6g, apple slices: 12g
Today, The Boy has a turkey and hummus sandwich, along with pea crisps, strawberries, and apple slices (from our own trees!).  His snack is trail mix (not pictured, 28g).

The Girl also has a turkey and hummus sandwich, with pea crisps, strawberries, and apple slices.

Hope that you all have a wonderful Wednesday!

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Lunches: 9.22.15

Wrap: 30g, pea crisps: 2g, apple-strawberry sauce: 14g, apple slices: 6g, cinnamon schoolbook cookies: 23g
For Tuesday lunch, The Boy has a wrap with hummus, cheese, turkey, and rainbow carrots, along with some pea crisps, apple slices (from our own tree!), apple-strawberry sauce, and cinnamon schoolbook cookies,  His snack is a fruit bar (not pictured, 19g).

The Girl also has a wrap (same as The Boy's), with pea crisps, apple slices, apple-strawberry sauce, and cinnamon schoolbook cookies.

Have a great Tuesday!

Monday, September 21, 2015

Lunches: 9.21.15

Happy Monday!
Cookies: 23g, watermelon: 5g, meat & cheese: 2g, sugarsnap peas & hummus: 3g
The Boy has a beef & pork stick, sugar snap peas, hummus, cheese, watermelon, and some cinnamon Schoolbook cookies.  His snack is trail mix (not pictured, 18g).

The Girl has leftover squash and lentil curry (she'll heat it up at school), with corn dippers, apple slices, and sugar snap peas.

Friday, September 18, 2015

Lunches: 9.18.15

The Girl is *finally* feeling better and is going back to school!  (Just in time for the weekend...)
Meat stick & cheese: 2g, crackers: 20g, hummus & peas: 2g, apple-strawberry sauce: 14g, freeze-dried mango: 4g
The Boy has a beef & pork stick, cheese stick, crackers, sugar snap peas and hummus, apple-strawberry sauce, and some freeze dried mango.  His snack is a trail mix (not pictured, 18g).

The Girl also has a beef & pork stick, cheese stick, crackers, sugar snap peas and hummus, apple-strawberry sauce, and some freeze-dried mango.

Happy weekend, everyone!

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Lunch: 9.17.15

The Girl is home sick again, so just one lunch today...
Yogurt; 10g, sandwich: 35g, strawberries: 5g, cinnamon schoolbook cookies: 23g
The Boy has a sandwich with hummus, cheese, turkey, and some lettuce, along with a yogurt squisher, strawberries, and some cinnamon schoolbook cookies.  His snack is some trail mix (not pictured, 16g).

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Lunch: 9.16.15

The Girl was out sick yesterday, and I forgot to blog The Boy's lunch...

She's out again today, but The Boy has lunch.

ABC Cookies: 23g, strawberries: 7g, watermelon: 3g, meat and cheese: 1g, corn puffs: 3g, sugar snap peas: 1g
He has strawberries, watermelon, ABC cookies, cheese and meat cut up, sugar snap peas, and some corn puffs.  His snack is a granola bar (not pictured, 19g)

Monday, September 14, 2015

Lunches 9.14.15: Roald Dahl Day Blog Hop

It's time to celebrate Roald Dahl Day again!

We love Roald Dahl around here, and have done lunches and other food inspired by his books for a few years now.

And now, it's time for a Bento Blogger & Friends Blog Hop!

Tortilla sandwich: 30g, corn puffs: 2g, grapes: 3g, apple-banana sauce: 14g, strawberries and chocolate: 6g

The Boy has a lunch inspired by Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.  He has an apple-banana sauce pouch, "dressed up" like a Wonka bar, with a little golden ticket poking out, along with strawberries (with chocolate of course!), grapes (because I didn't have blueberries), some corn puffs (under the tortilla), and a tortilla with chocolate almond spread, with a picture of Willy Wonka himself on it, drawn with food coloring.

The Girl has a lunch inspired by The Witches.  She has a "half nibbled" English muffin with cocoa almond spread and raisins around the edges, corn puffs, and a little carrot mouse on top of a bed of lettuce (that could be cress, for the soup, right?), along with "Formula 86" to turn children into mice, which is actually some banana apple sauce, and she also has some strawberries.

Enjoy the Blog Hop - Check out what Cristi over at BentOnBetterLunches has for you, and then hop around the other Bento Blogger and Friends to see the whole group!

Happy Roald Dahl Day!

Friday, September 11, 2015

Lunches: 9.11.15

It's Taco Salad day!
Soft taco shell: 16g, taco salad: 3g, strawberries: 6g, cinnamon schoolbook cookies: 23g
The Boy has a soft corn and wheat tortilla, with lettuce, taco meat, and some Mexican cheese blend, strawberries, and some cinnamon schoolbook cookies.  His snack is trail mix (not pictured, 18g).

The Girl also has a soft corn and wheat tortilla, with lettuce, taco meat, and some Mexican cheese blend, along with a pear, and some cinnamon schoolbook cookies.  She also has a trail mix.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Lunches: 9.10.15

Sandwich: 40g, strawberries: 8g, yogurt star cookies: 12g
For Thursday lunch, The Boy has a sandwich with salami, cheese, hummus, and lettuce. He also has strawberries and some yogurt star cookies. His snack is trail mix (not pictured,  18g).

The Girl has a sandwich with hummus, salami, cheese, and lettuce.  She also has a pear and yogurt star cookies, and a trail mix in her bag if she gets hungry.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Lunches: 9.9.15

Happy Wednesday!
Sandwich: 40g, grapes: 5, strawberries: 5g, yogurt star cookies: 10g
The Boy has a sandwich with hummus, ham, salami, and cheese, along with grapes, strawberries, and yogurt star cookies.  His snack is some trail mix (not pictured, 18g).

The Girl also has a sandwich with hummus, ham, salami, and cheese, along with grapes, half a kiwi, and yogurt star cookies.  She also has a trail mix in case she gets hungry.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Lunches: 9.8.15

It was a busy Labor Day weekend, with two days spent out on the lake, and all of our bread used up in lunches for it!  (Those will be blogged soon...) So, we ordered pizza for dinner last night, and got some pizza rollers additionally, so I could pack them in lunches!

Pizza rollers: 20g each, grapes: 5g, freeze dried apples: 10g
The Boy has two pizza rollers, grapes, and some freeze dried apples.  His snack is some trail mix (not pictured, 16g).

The Girl also has pizza rollers, freeze dried apples, and grapes.  She also has a trail mix, in case she gets hungry.

Hope that everyone had a great Labor Day weekend!

Friday, September 4, 2015

Lunches: 9.4.15

Happy Friday!!

The kids have simple sandwich lunches for this Friday.
Sandwich: 40g, apple slices: 12g, yogurt star cookies:12g
The Boy has a sandwich with hummus, turkey, cheese, and spinach, along with apple slices, and some yogurt star cookies.  His snack is some trek mix (not pictured, 16g).

The Girl also has a sandwich with hummus, turkey, cheese, and spinach, along with half a kiwi, and some yogurt star cookies.  I also gave her a trek mix.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Lunches: 9.3.15

BOTH kids were home sick yesterday, but are feeling much better today - so back to school with them, with simple lunches.
Sandwich: 40g, apple slices: 8g, cinnamon schoolbook cookies: 16g
The Boy has a sandwich with hummus, cheese, turkey, and spinach, along with apple slices and cinnamon schoolbook cookies.  His snack is some trail mix (not pictured, 16g).

The Girl also has a sandwich with hummus, cheese, turkey, and spinach, along with apple slices and cinnamon schoolbook cookies.  She doesn't get a  scheduled snack time, but I sent in some trail mix for her, too, just in case she gets hungry.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Lunches: 9.1.15

Happy September!

For dinner last night, we had wraps with chicken, Muhammara spread, and a hash brown.  The kids LOVED them and have them in their lunches today (as do I!).

Wrap: 55g, freeze-dried mango: 2g, watermelon: 5g, apple slices: 8g
The Boy has a chicken hash brown muhammara wrap, a string cheese, apple slices, watermelon, and freeze dried mango.  His snack is a cereal bar (not pictured, 28g).

The Girl also has a chicken hash brown muhammara wrap, with string cheese, freeze-dried mango, dried mandarin oranges, and half a kiwi.