Wednesday, August 26, 2009

What's It All About?

My daughter started kindergarten last year, and I packed her lunch every day.  I pack an Americanized bento-style lunch, with ham and cheese in fun shapes instead of onigiri.  I love cute containers (and I am so sad that the Ichibankan online store went out of business), but I am not obsessed with the art of the kawaii.

My goal is to pack healthy lunches that are fun for her to eat, and fun for me to pack.

Now that she is starting 1st grade, I thought it would be fun to blog about my lunch packing adventures.  If I am packing the same thing over and over again, I won't post the lunch, but I will do my best to keep up with the variety, both for her, and for readers.

School starts in a week, so I have some time to do some informational posts.  I'll show you what kind of supplies I have, and I'll post some favorite recipes here and there.

I hope that this will be as fun for you as it is for me!

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