Monday, September 7, 2009

Lunch: 9.8.09

I have to make lunches for the boy in addition to the normal lunches for the girl for the next couple of weeks, due to my mother-in-law going on vacation... so, more lunch fun!

The boy has a spinach whole wheat tortilla with tahini free-hummus on it, yellow baby carrot sticks, Tahini-Free Hummus (in the red container) to dip, a babybell, raisins, raspberries (in the chick container), Scrabble Junior Cheez-its, and bug shaped grahams, a small banana, and a juice.  This is for lunch and snack.

For snack, my daughter has two mini lemon zucchini muffins, some raspberries, some raisins, and a juice. 

Her lunch is a spinach whole wheat tortilla with cream cheese and ham in roll ups, baby yellow carrots and tahini free hummus, Scrabble Junior Cheez-its, bug shaped grahams, a small banana, and a container of wild and brown rice (covered with saran so it doesn't make everything wet and get all over everything)

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