Friday, November 13, 2009

Lunch: 11.13.09

Sadly, no pictures today.  I forgot the camera at my mother-in-law's house.  Oops.

Snack today is a gingerbread girl shaped Passionfruit Papaya Tea Jelly Sandwich, homemade graham crackers, some craisins & raisins, and a juice box.  The rubbermaid juice box I sent her with yesterday leaked, so I have to find a better solution for that, which does not involve me buying another Sigg bottle for her to loose.  Seriously, it's a problem. 

Lunch is turkey lunch meat on skewers, a babybell, applesauce, homemade cheese crackers, some apple chips, and a tootsie roll from her Halloween goody bag.

Pictures next week, I promise!  And maybe some new recipes this weekend. We'll see how motivated I get.

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