Monday, January 4, 2010

Lunch: 1.4.10

Back to school!  I thought that we might end up with a snow day because of this:

.... but, here in Vermont, they keep on top of things.  I'm not seeing any school closings (or even delays) on the news. 

Here's the first lunch of the new year!

Snack is a mitten shaped pomegranate vanilla tea jelly sandwich with homemade graham crackers, craisins & raisins, and juice.

Lunch is half a kiwi, three pork & leek dumplings with Trader Joe's Trader Ming's Gyoza Dipping Sauce (my sister brought me more), a gogurt, a babybell (with a snowflake cutout) and a snowflake extra sharp cheddar cheese sandwich.

Happy New Year, everyone!

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