Monday, April 5, 2010

Giveaway: Critter Containers/Baseball Containers!

UPDATE:  Giveaway is over - For winners, see this post!

I got some of these critter containers from the pharmacy before Easter, and loved them for small non-juicy things to pack in the girl's lunch.  I decided to go back today to see if there were any leftover after Easter, and sure enough, there were.

So, I decided to share with you, my dear readers.

I have FOUR sets of containers to give away.

All you have to do is comment below on which one you would like (and if you want to enter for all four, that's fine, too, just leave separate comments) and tell me what sorts of things you would put in them.

Drawing for winners will be held Thursday, April 8, around 6 PM EST.  I will post the winners, and if you get back to me by Friday with your address, I'll try to get the containers out in the mail Friday.

I will do separate drawings for each set, so it is possible to win more than one set.   Good luck!

The fine print: I bought these of my own accord and am not being reimbursed in any way for this giveaway.  I just felt like sharing.

The four sets are:




Good luck!!!!


  1. I love the cats and the dogs. Super cute.

  2. I'm prepping to start bentoing (is that a word?) when my oldest DD starts K in the Fall! I think she'd like the kitties the best. Probably with Annie's Bunnies inside!

  3. But my younger DD would probably like the dogs!! Again with Annie's Bunnies!

  4. And what the heck, the Critters would be great for my first DS (due in June) to carry Gerber Puffs in my diaper bag when he's ready for them! :)

  5. just discovered the bento system - the kitties would be very popular with my daughter filled with yogart raisins, dry cereal or mini cookies- thanks for the chance to win a set !!

  6. Our daughter would like the cats, of course!

  7. The other son would like the critters.

  8. I would love the dogs to put lot of healthy munchies in :)

  9. My daughter would love to use any of them filled with anything she could fit in it. They are so cute!

  10. Cats and Baseballs :) Those are super cute!!! I need to get new containers to replace the cruddy ones i'm using now.

  11. Dogs, Cats, Critters, my oldest loves any animal. She loves yogurt covered raisins so they would be perfect for them. I'm sure I could find a couple other things my little picky eater would actually eat if they came in one of those cute animal containers.

  12. I love the critters! DD was so excited when I put a couple animal crackers in her lunch in an Easter egg last week. She would love these filled with craisins, goldfish, cheerios.... definitely adds a smile to the lunch.

    (My 40th bday is tomorrow too! :o) )

  13. Definitly the critters, baseballs too but critters would be awesome.

  14. Love the dogs (my daughter is convinced she's part dog) and the critters!

  15. Aw, the cats! Emma loves cats :) They'd be perfect for veggies.. Emma loves just about all vegetables, including mushrooms, believe it or not. These are a great find, Astrid!

  16. They are all so sweet, but I think my kids would love the "critters." I would put their crackers in them or craisins. Any of their small dry snacks would go perfectly in them!

  17. Those are adorable! I would pack raisens or cranberries or bunny grahams for snack time mid-morning at school, an easy thing for her to keep in her desk and helps keep portions properly kid-sized! Or I'd pack a small treat and use the container to keep the treat a hidden surprise until after lunch was all eaten, build some anticipation ;) I think the Critters are adorable!
