Monday, May 24, 2010

Lunch: 5.25.10 for the girl and Mommy (in Easy LunchBoxes)

Don't miss my Easy LunchBox Giveaway!

I'm chaperoning a field trip!  It ought to be a blast.

They asked that the kids have "snacks that can fit in a pocket," so I grabbed us some Blackberry Nutrigrain bars.  Each of us have one.

For lunch, the girl has two pieces of a turkey/muenster/broccoli slaw roll up with light miracle whip, half a kiwi, a juice, some white cheddar cheez-its in the animal container, some dried plums, and some dried pineapple in the little yellow container.

I have the rest of the roll-up, some of the mango & cucumber salad from yesterday, some white cheddar cheez-its, and a snack bag of Cracker jacks.

Both of our lunches fit perfectly in the Easy LunchBox cooler bag, along with our snacks, and I'll throw a couple ice packs in before we leave tomorrow.  There's plenty of room in there.  We could fit a third container.  That's pretty awesome, if you ask me.  Since I've got them in that cooler bag and they'll be pretty tight, I didn't bother with the elastic bands for our boxes today.

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