Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Lunch: 5.27.10

Make sure to get your entry into the Easy LunchBox Giveaway!

For snack, the girl has a bear shaped hard boiled egg (though it was a small egg, and the ears didn't really happen...), a container full of IKEA grahams, a container of craisins & raisins, and a juice.

For lunch, she has some homemade yogurt with strawberry jam and honey stirred in, cheese stick and ham skewers, a blackberry nutrigrain bar, half a kiwi, and a container of dried pineapple.


  1. The homemade yogurt is intriguing. I may need to try that!

  2. Sweet blog...i have some super giveaways on my blog too:-)))
    Do hop by and till then lemme look for ur giveaway gurl!!!
