Thursday, July 8, 2010

Mom & Dad's Lunch: 7.8.10

I got in a new order of lunch box containers from Easy Lunch Boxes yesterday.  My brother is here for the summer, with his three young daughters, and we plan on having lots of outings, so I wanted to have plenty of containers to pack our lunches for them!

(Stay tuned, there will be another giveaway later in the month for great back to school lunch boxes for kids! Or for you!  I'm very excited for another giveaway)

Anyhow, back to today's lunches!

Daddy has a ham sandwich in an Arnold Sandwich Fill'em, some carrots, a container of peanut butter, and some Triscuits.

I have a wrap with ham, swiss, and carrots with champagne dill mustard, triscuits, and some blueberries.

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