Sunday, August 22, 2010

Recipe: Whey Pancakes with Flax and Maple

Another use for that whey from straining my homemade greek yogurt!  This recipe is also modified from one on King Arthur Flour's site - they have some really amazing recipes!  I added in some beveri flax seed and some King Arthur Flour Maple Flav-r-bites.

Whey Pancakes with Flax and Maple

1 c white flour
1 c whole wheat flour
1 Tbsp maple syrup (or honey)
1 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
2 c whey
2 large eggs
2 Tbsp vegetable oil
1/4 c flax seed meal 
1/4 c maple flav-r-bites (optional)
Mix the dry ingredients together in a mixing bowl.

In a smaller bowl, beat together the whey, eggs and vegetable oil.

Cook on a griddle, turning when bubbles form on the surface.  Serve with maple syrup or other desired toppings.

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