Monday, October 25, 2010

Lunch: 10.25.10

I need to make some more bread, and I was super tired last night, so I didn't go all out on the Halloween thing... BUT - Pomegranates are back in stock at the grocery store, and The Girl couldn't be more excited!  She adores pomegranates.  And, they make great "monster eyes."

Snack is some apple slices and a chewy granola bar with pumpkin, along with a juice.

Lunch is a ham wrap with Miracle Whip on a whole wheat tortilla, with Autumn leaf picks, pomegranate seeds, homemade Greek yogurt with vanilla (I told her to stir the pomegranate seeds right into the yogurt.  Mmmm) and carrots with ranch dressing, in an  Easy Lunchbox.

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