Friday, December 17, 2010

Lunches: 12.15.10 - 12.17.10

It's been a crazy week, and I have been packing lunches, but haven't had a chance to post them, so here's Wednesday's through Friday's.

Snack each day was a pomegranate Chobani yogurt and a juice.  I don't think you need a picture of that particularly.

Lunch on Wednesday was the last of the winter shaped pasta, applesauce, and some cheese crackers.

Lunch on Thursday was a (store bought) mini whole wheat bagel with cheese, carrots with ranch, a clementine, and granola bar.

Lunch today is a mini whole wheat bagel with cheese, some animal crackers, a chai spiced cake, and a clementine.  Not the healthiest lunch, but it's Friday and I need to go shopping.

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