Friday, June 24, 2011

Recipe: Marshmallow Fluff Fondant

I've made marshmallow fondant before.  It's pretty easy and reasonably yummy.  Lately, I've totally been lazy and buying Duff's fondant.  It tastes much better than Wilton, and in a pinch, it's so easy to have fondant made!

But today, I needed fondant, and The Girl is sick, so I couldn't go out to Michael's to get it.  I could get someone to watch her for two seconds while I ran across the street to the grocery store, though.

One thing about marshmallow fondant is that you have to melt the marshmallows, add the confectioner's sugar, and then wait for it to cool.  You can't really use it the same day with happy results.  With fluff, no waiting is necessary!  Wonderful.  Here's how to make it.

Marshmallow Fluff Fondant

1 16-oz jar marshmallow fluff
6-8 c powdered sugar
1-2 tsp flavoring extract (if desired - I used lemon)
gel food coloring

(You can knead this by hand entirely, but I like my mixer).  Spray your stand mixer, paddle, and spatula with cooking spray.

Scoop the fluff into the bowl of the stand mixer.  Add coloring and flavoring as desired.  Working a cup or less at a time, beat in the confectioner's sugar and allow to knead.  When the fondant is no longer sticky, remove and wrap in plastic wrap until ready to use.  You may need to knead the final confectioner's sugar in by hand, on a greased surface.  My stand mixer started making unhappy noises in the motor.  Your might be sturdier than mine.
This is in the beginning

It ends up like playdough
You can use this to decorate cakes, cookies, cupcakes, or to make shapes to use on traditionally frosted cakes.  It's like edible play dough, so have fun!


  1. Brilliant! I love marshmallow fondant but hate the melting the mallows part :D I can't wait to try this!

  2. For how long can I store this fondant? At room temperature or in the fridge?
