Monday, September 12, 2011

Lunch for the Boy: 9.13.11

Granola: 20g, yogurt with maple: 15g
Snack for Tuesday is my grandma's granola and homemade greek yogurt with maple.
Salad with ranch: 4g, tunnbrod wrap: 24g, meatballs: 1g, fruit salad: 6g, cookie bites: 4g
Lunch is salad with carrots and ranch dressing (he promises to eat it), Swedish tunnbrod (bought it from IKEA, tried to make it myself before and it was not nearly as good as what I could buy from IKEA) wrap with feta and salami, fruit salad, Swedish meatballs, and a couple mini cookie bites in the little container, packed in an Easy Lunchbox.

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