Sunday, September 18, 2011

Lunch for the Boy: 9.19.11

Monday again!  Hope that you all had wonderful weekends.
Pretzels: 11 g, apples: 8g

The Boy's snack is some cheddar pretzel sandwiches and an apple (dusted with Fruit Fresh to keep it from browning).  A note - this apple is not from our own trees.  I foolishly bought some apples before realizing that we would have ample soon enough.  Using them up in lunches!
Carrots & hummus: 5g, grapes: 6g. crackers: 12g, ham: 1g. feta: 1g. yogurt: 6g, cookie bites: 4g

Lunch is grapes, carrots with hummus in the little container, crackers, ham, feta, yogurt in a tube made in my food saver, clipped at the end to make it easier to open, and closed with a clip from IKEA, along with a couple mini cookie bites.

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