Thursday, October 13, 2011

Lunch for The Boy: 10.14.11

Applesauce: 15g, Babybell: 1g

The Boy has applesauce and a Babybell for snack today.  He had a babybell on Thursday, but didn't notice it in his bag, so he didn't eat it!  He was sad when he saw it while cleaning out his lunch bag.
Cheese: 1g, Pretzels: 12g, Meatballs: 2.5g, Crackers: 11g, Oranges: 15g, granola bar: 15g, raisins: 8g
His lunch is some Swedish meatballs, raisins, a homemade tropical granola bar, mandarin oranges, crackers, a string cheese, and Goldfish pretzels.

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