Sunday, October 16, 2011

Lunch for the Boy: 10.17.11

The Boy has a field trip, and I am chaperoning!  Technically, they are not going to have snack, but because of his diabetes, he'll have some. Since I'm going to be with him, I'll take care of his insulin for the snack.
Crackers: 12g, oranges: 15g

His snack is some mandarin oranges and some crackers.
Granola bar: 15g, Pretzels: 12g, yogurt: 10g, applesauce: 10g, grapes: 3g, pepperoni: 0g, cheese: 1g, Hello Panda cookies: 3.5g

Lunch is applesauce, homemade Greek yogurt, grapes, a homemade tropical granola bar, some Goldfish pretzels, a babybell, mini turkey pepperoni, and a couple Hello Panda cookies that we picked up at Target this weekend.

I packed this lunch pretty tightly.  Here's the lunch all open.

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