Monday, October 3, 2011

Lunch for The Boy: 10.4.11

The kids fell asleep before I remembered to ask them what they wanted in their lunches... hope that they like what I chose!
Applesauce: 10g, Dried pineapple: 9g, babybell cheese: 1g

The Boy's snack is some applesauce, a babybell cheese, and some dried pineapple.
Strawberries: 5g, Goldfish: 11g, Taco Tortilla Roll: 20g, Broccoli & Ranch: 4g, Raisins: 8g

 His lunch is taco meat, cheese, and lettuce, with a little sauce, in a tortilla rolled up (they told me that the meat fell out of the pita a little... they still ate it, but it was messy), along with strawberries, broccoli, raisins, and Goldfish crackers & pretzels.

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