Thursday, November 3, 2011

Lunch for The Boy: 11.4.11

Happy Friday!

The Boy did *not* like those Welch's Fruit & Yogurt snacks.  At all.  So, he won't be getting them anymore.  (Luckily The Girl likes them a lot, so they will not go to waste.)
Banana: 25g, cheese stick: 1g
For his Friday snack, he has a banana and a string cheese.
Sandwiches: 30g (total), applesauce: 10g, fruit salad: 10g, apple slices: 5g, 3-Muskateers: 13g

His lunch is applesauce, fruit salad, apple slices, ham & cheese sandwich rounds, and a 3-Muskateers from his Halloween stash.  I got some new small covered containers at Staples, for 8 for $1!  I hope that they hold up ok... they fit perfectly into the Easy Lunchboxes!

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