Monday, November 7, 2011

Lunch for The Boy: 11.8.11

The Bento Blog Network has a theme of Sandwich balls this week, so I thought I'd give it a try.

To make sandwich balls, you take a piece of bread and cut it into a circle (I used store bought whole wheat bread, since I am out of homemade... for shame, I know...)  You can also cut it into smaller circles (like in my picture here), but I had better luck with one larger circle.

Take a largish piece of saran wrap and put the bread on top of it on your hand.  Put a small amount of filling on it (I used some taco meat, cheese, and a little sauce). Press the sides of the bread together, and then wrap the saran around it to form a ball.

Voila!  Sandwich ball!

For The Boy's lunch, I used some Bento cutters (this great transportation set from Allthingsforsale, school bus shape) to make the balls into school buses!  Very cute.
Applesauce: 10g, pretzels: 11g
So anyhow, for his snack he has some pretzel sticks and applesauce.
Apple: 8g, crackers: 4g, raisins: 8g, taco filled bus sandwich balls: 40g, oranges: 15g, Whoppers: 16g
In his lunch he has these bus sandwich balls (taco filling), mandarin oranges, apple slices, raisins, candy corn cheese crackers, and some whoppers from his Halloween stash.


  1. Those sandwiches are super cute! I have those same cutters in route too. :)

  2. Taco sounds yummy! Love how you stamped it! Thanks for participating!

  3. Wow! I am impressed that you got so much filling into them!
