Monday, December 5, 2011

Review & Giveaway: The Lunch Punch

I've wanted to try The Lunch Punch for a while, and I finally got my chance to try them out recently.

Sandwishes Set - Picture courtesy The Lunch Punch

When I first tried them, I had a few... problems...
Yeah, I can't tell what it is, either...
I asked some of my fellow lunch bloggers for some tips, and here's what they shared.

1) Trim crusts first.
2) It sometimes helps to roll the bread a little thinner before cutting
3) Cut each slice of bread separately
4) Make sure to push through all the way and wiggle a little on the counter/cutting board, or turn the cutter over with your bread in it, and press all around to make sure that the cutting is complete.

I got better.
VRRM set, image courtesy The Lunch Punch
The Princess got her face a little smeared with cranberry sauce, but definitely better!!
Critter Cutters Set, image courtesy The Lunch Punch
Once you get the hang of them, they are a ton of fun!  They work really well for peanut butter and jelly (the kids were using them for breakfast all by themselves!  I didn't get any pictures of that, alas...)  They definitely work better for thinner sandwiches as opposed to the Thanksgiving Leftover sandwiches I was making last week...
How Puzzling!
Match & Munch Set, image courtesy The Lunch Punch

I am really looking forward to playing with them some more!
Sweet Set, image courtesy The Lunch Punch
And you want to know the really cool thing?

One lucky reader will get a chance to play with them, too.

The good people at The Lunch Punch are offering one of my lucky readers the chance to win one set of their choosing!

To enter - please visit The Lunch Punch and then come back here and tell me which set you'd like to have.  I encourage you to "like" them on Facebook, because they are awesome, but I won't make that a requirement.  (While you are at it, if you don't "like" Lunches Fit For a Kid on Facebook yet, you should.  This is also not required, but I love to see you all over there!  It puts a big smile on my face.)

As always, I need a way to contact you.  Anonymous commenters, with no contact information, cannot win.  If I can't contact you, I can't get your information to The Lunch Punch and you can't get your prize.  Simple as that.  US entries only, please.

One comment per person, please.

I will choose a winner, using, on Friday, December 9th at 6 PMish, EST.


  1. I NEED the sweet set! :)

    BTW, I like you and them both already on facebook.

  2. those are too cute! i would love to try the match & munch set. my kids would get such a kick out of these! thanks for the opportunity & i'll see you at cfyf! :)

    amy ~

  3. My daughter would LOVE the sandwishes set...great way to get her excited about eating lunch!

  4. I love the VRRM set. I'm pretty sure if I had that, I could get my son to eat anything shaped like a Choo Choo Train. And I just liked you on FB, found you through bentonbetterlunches.

    eowynmn @ gmail .com

  5. Love these! I would love the match and munch set or the sweet set.... so hard to pick one! heheh!
    I like you both on FB :)

  6. I have the Lunch Punch Match & Munch and love it. I would love to win the VRRRM set. They are so cute.

  7. I love the sweet set! Liked you and lunch punch on facebook.:).

  8. I love the sweet set. I have been thinking about purchasing on Amazon, but would love to win a set. I like lunch punch on Facebook and now that I found your site, I'll like you as well.
    Rebecca Dula

  9. I love the Sweet Set. We love the Lunch Punches that we already have. lori at lawrencemonsters dot com

  10. I want the new Sweet set!

    Another tip: Use them on a flat surface, like a cutting board or countertop. Don't try it on a plate. Epic fail.

  11. I love the sweet set! I have been so jealous seeing everyone using these cute cute cutters!

  12. I have a brain injury, and sometimes in the morning, the old noggin' just won't be creative. These punches would give me a WHOLE lotta flair and pizzazz to put into my girl's lunches & bentos brainer! ---Debbie R.

  13. I'm entering for my youngest who is still obsessed with fairies and princesses. The SANDWISHES set would totally make her smile. Thanks for all the tips too!

  14. I'm sure my son would love the VRRRM set!

  15. Hi, excited to have found you and to follow you now on FB! I the Match and Munch Lunch Punch for my kiddos! Thank you!

  16. Hi , I would love the Sweet set. What a nce way to enjoy "sweets".

  17. Like you both on FB already. :)

    I would just like to own a lunch punch set, period. LOL
    I really do love the new sweet set!

  18. I Would love the vrrm set. My son loves cars and trucks.

    Jessica Lane Cooper on Facebook

  19. Would love the sweet set. Have liked you and lunch punch on Facebook. Will also give you a mention on my blog.

  20. Adorable would love the Match & Munch set
    Kids would go crazy

  21. I would love the sweet set!

  22. I would love the puzzle set, so cool!
    And I already like both you and lunch punch on facebook!

  23. I would LOVE the critter cutters set!

  24. chrisplus3@hotmail.comDecember 6, 2011 at 8:03 PM

    My son (4) was peeking over my shoulder and said he would eat his whole lunch if it was shaped like a puzzle.

  25. I'd like the "Sand'wishes'" set. My daughter loves princesses! :)

    originalfirefly [at] gmail dot com

  26. My little guy would love the Vrrrm! set!

  27. We'd love the Match & Munch!
    mommastaci33 at yahoo dot com

  28. I am all about the Sweet set! That bubblegum machine must be mine! ;-)

  29. It would be so cool to win the Critter Cutters set! LOVE your site! So inspiring! THANKS!

  30. I would love to win the puzzle set - my children LOVE to complete puzzles.

  31. The sweet set is just too cute for words. thanks for the opportunity...keeping fingers crossed.

  32. These are too cute. I adore your blog and ideas. My daughter is in love with the critter cutters. I made the mistake of visiting the site with her :-)
