Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Lunch for The Boy: 1.25.12

I went out to get some produce tonight, so there are some more choices for the kiddos, and therefore the lunches and snacks are pretty fruit heavy.  They got a bit excited.  ;)
Raisins (not pictured - 16g), apple slices: 6g, egg: 0g

Snack for The Boy is some apple slices, a hard boiled egg, and some raisins (the raisins are not pictured).
Strawberries: 4g, grapes: 5g, mango cubes: 7g, apple: 6g, dumplings: 15g

Lunch is some sliced grapes (they didn't slice as well as they did on my first try with my strawberry slicer... but I think he'll like him because they are different), strawberries, some mango (this is new for him... we'll see if he likes them), and some dumplings.


  1. Have you tried partially freezing the grapes before cutting?
