Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Lunch for The Boy: 2.8.12

Bagel with Strawberry & Cream Spread: 29g, babybell: 1g
The Boy's snack is a mini whole wheat bagel with strawberry & cream spread from Price Chopper (it's a Price Chopper branded item, found it next to the Nutella... The Hubby loves it, as do the kids, and it's nut free for those with allergies or restrictions), along with a babybell cheese.
Strawberries: 6g, watermelon: 4g, apple slices: 6g, Biscoff: 7g, sandwich: 33g
His lunch is watermelon, strawberries, some apple slices, biscoff spread (which is also nut free for those with allergies or restrictions) to use on the apples, and a whole wheat roll with ham.

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