Friday, July 20, 2012

Lunches for an Outing: 7.20.12

Don't miss your chance to win a set of science cookie cutters!!

Today, my sister, my brother-in-law, and my cousin (visiting from Sweden!) hiked up Vermont's third highest peak - Camel's Hump!  We went up Burrow's Trail, which is my sister's favorite.  I've never done the hike before, so I went with her preference. 

The hike was about 4.8 miles round trip, with a gain in elevation of about 2500 feet.  It was pretty steep the whole way.  Not a hike I would take the children on just yet... we'll work them up to Camel's Hump.  They've looked longingly at pictures of it from a distance and yearn to hike it, but it was tough for our group of adults.... though I did see some kids on the trail. 

Enjoying our lunches!
Anyhow, the lunches!
My cookie broke.  :(  It was still delicious.  :)

I packed up turkey and colby jack sandwiches with garlic hummus on fresh whole wheat pain de mie, cherries, NatureBox lemony pistachios and sunny trails mix, half a sliced apple, and one almond windmill cookie that I picked up at the store.  It was a yummy and filling lunch. 

If you ever visit Vermont, do this hike - and take along an EasyLunchBox with a hearty lunch!

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