Saturday, July 7, 2012

Lunches for an Outing: 7.6.12

My cousin is here from Sweden for a visit, and she and I took a lovely hike up to the top of a little moutain nearby, Mount Philo.

Easylunchboxes climb a Mount Philo
When she suggested we take some food, I jumped at the chance.  Since the kids have been out of school for the summer, my packing has been greatly diminished.

Oops, pardon the bite out of the bread... forgot to take a picture before eating!
I packed for us a peanut butter and apple peel jelly sandwich on some raisin bread (which I commondeered from my mother), along with some Kettle corn left over from July 4th festivities, some NatureBox Mighty Trail Mix, and a couple dried peaches, also from NatureBox, all packed in Easy LunchBoxes.

Look for more lunches for outings to come!  The summer has but begun.

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