Thursday, August 30, 2012

Lunch for The Boy: 8.31.12

The first week of school is all done!  The Boy has some nice monkey bar blisters starting, so I would say that's a good start to the school year.  :)

Yogurt: 13g, Banana: 30g
The Boy's snack is some Chobani Champions Orange Vanilla yogurt (review & giveaway coming soon!), along with a banana.

Watermelon: 5g, Cheez-its: 10g, strawberries: 4g, egg:: 0g, crackers: 10g, cheese: 1g

His class is doing Red Day tomorrow, so I've made a nice red infused lunch for him.  His has watermelon, strawberries, Scrabble Cheez-its, a star shaped hard boiled egg, and some bus shaped homemade crackers.  There is also a string cheese tucked in under the strawberries.

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