Saturday, August 11, 2012

Lunches for an Outing: 8.11.12

The weather was again not conducive to hiking (again... *sigh*), so we went on a nice little touristy trip to the Cabot Cheese Factory and a great museum called the Fairbanks Museum & Planetarium.  On the way back, we stopped at the Vermont State House, but it isn't open on weekends, so we couldn't go in...

We had lovely lunches for the outing.  We had egg salad in baguettes, Olympic ring cheese crackers, strawberries and clementines (The Boy had some dried peaches from Naturebox, because he isn't a clementine fan), a homemade marshmallow and a small piece of dark chocolate.

Do you have any tourist destinations nearby that you haven't visited with your family?

Often, they make for a lovely adventure.  Sometimes a delicious one.


  1. Color me JEALOUS!!! I ♥ Cabot Cheese!!!! We've been enjoying their habanero cheese lately. Spicy and delicious!!!

  2. Very cute babies , God bless them

  3. Looks like fun! So glad you guys came by for a visit :)
