Thursday, September 6, 2012

Lunch for The Boy: 9.7.12

It's Yellow Day in The Boy's classroom!

For snack, he has a Orange Vanilla Chobani Champions (not pictured, 14g).

His lunch features the *new* EasyLunchboxes Mini Dippers!  I'm so excited that they are available - and I was able to get my hot little hands on a set.  They are new leak resistant small containers that fit perfectly into Easylunchboxes.

Cheez-its: 10g, mango: 6g, corn: 10g, apple: 7g, cheese: 1g, sandwich: 20g
For his Yellow Day lunch, he has Scrabble Cheez-its, Naturebox Dried Mango, some corn (cut off the cob for Mr. No-Opposable Teeth), apple slices, a Rainbow bread sandwich (bread made in canape pans, a cheese stick with a cute little animal pick.


  1. super cute. tomorrow is yellow day at school for my son but did not think to color his lunch :)

  2. Astrid I need to hire you to make me GF rainbow bread, lol :)

  3. That bread is awesome! never seen those pans before. Looks fun.

  4. Thank you for the fab pic and post Astrid!! So happy to see my little containers in use here! :)
