Saturday, September 15, 2012

Lunches for an Outing: 9.15.12

I went for a hike today with one of my oldest friends - we met in Girl Scouts way back when!  She is a very talented photographer (see her work at Moonshine Designs & Photography) and observational entomologist (I like to think that the latter was inspired by visits to my house as a child - my dad is a bug guy...)

Anyhow, we took my kids, her youngest child, and her husband, and went up a shortish hike to a lovely lookout  - Prospect Rock in Johnson, VT.  It is part of the Long Trail.  The route we took was about 3.6 miles round trip, not sure of gain in elevation... maybe 500 ft?  So not too strenuous (and her husband was carrying their toddler in a hiking backpack for most of the trip, so I'm glad it wasn't too challenging, for his sake!)

Of course I packed us lunches in our Easylunchboxes!  I made mini bagel sandwiches with peanut butter and jelly, a banana, a taro wafer cookie, Naturebox dried apple rings, a Cabot cheddar single, and under it, a yogurt fruit jelly.  All of our lunches were the same.

I wrote on The Boy's box lid with carb counts in dry erase marker, so that I didn't have to keep track of it in my head.  That worked out quite nicely!
Photo courtesy Moonshine Designs & Photography
Photo courtesy Moonshine Designs & Photography
It's always fun to hike with friends - even more so when those friends are amazing photographers who get some seriously good shots of the hike.

Maybe, if you're lucky, you can get pictures of yourself... since, if you are anything like me, you are usually the one behind the camera.

And then, you can return the favor for your photographer friend.
Photo courtesy Moonshine Designs & Photography

Here's to fall hikes and explorations, and for enjoying time with friends, with good food, of course...

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