Sunday, January 27, 2013

Lunch for The Boy: 1.28.13

The Boy has a banana for snack (not pictured: 28g).

Feta: 1g, watermelon: 5g, stuffed pepper: 4g, apple rose: 5g, dumplings: 15g. dried fruit && chocolate: 4g
His lunch is in a new YumBox, which I will review soon.  The box is small, but I think it will fill him up.  The Yumbox has labeled sections for each food group.  He has a small stovetop stuffing stuffed bell pepper with cheese, watermelon, feta cheese, a couple mini Chinese dumplings, a puff pastry apple rose with a little cheddar, and a couple pieces of dried fruit with tiny chocolate chips (in the small treat compartment).

Looking forward to playing with the YumBox more!

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