Thursday, May 9, 2013

Family Lunches: 5.10.13


Daddy's lunch is a wrap with salad, ham, and hummus, along with blueberry yogurt pretzels, orange slices, and honeydew melon.

I have a wrap with salad, ham, and hummus, Naturebox almonds, half an orange, and apple slices.

Wrap: 25g, dried apples: 12g, pretzels: 20g, melon: 5g
The Boy has a banana for snack (not pictured: 32g).  His lunch is a wrap with hummus, salad, and ham, along with honeydew melon, Naturebox dried apples, and blueberry yogurt pretzels.

The Girl has a banana for snack (not pictured).  Her lunch is a wrap with hummus, salad, and ham, with orange slices, apple slices, and blueberry yogurt pretzels.

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