Thursday, May 2, 2013

Family Lunches: 5.2.13

I have leftover Chinese food for lunch (no picture, but it's lovely).

The Hubby has salad with sliced steak, strawberries, and orange slices.

The Girl has Chobani Champions yogurt for snack (not pictured), and the same lunch as Daddy with some ranch dressing.
Salad and Steak: 1g, babybell: 1g, apple ring: 4g, pretzels: 12g, strawberries: 5g, carrots: 2g
The Boy has Chobani Champions yogurt for snack (not pictured: 9g)  His lunch is some salad, steak in a rose shape, a babybell, carrots, strawberries, Naturebox Dried Granny Smith Ring, and Naturebox Italian Pretzel Bites.  There is ranch dressing in a little container under the apple.

1 comment:

  1. Your lunches always look so delicious! You can come pack lunch for us any day ;-)
