Monday, June 3, 2013

Family Lunches: 6.3.13

Happy Monday!

I got some pretzel rolls in the deli clearance at the store, so we have those in our lunches.

Daddy has half a pretzel roll with a little bit of liverwurst and cheese, salad with Italian dressing in the little container, an orange, and blackberries, packed in his GoGreenLunch box.

I have half a pretzel roll with liverwurst and cheese, salad, Italian dressing, cherry tomatoes, and orange slices, packed in an Easylunchbox.
Sandwich: 30g, Strawberries: 4g, apple slices: 8g, carrots & ranch: 2g, corn: 3g
The Boy has a Chobani Champions yogurt for snack (not pictured, 9g).  His lunch is half a pretzel roll with liverwurst and cheese, apple slices, carrots and ranch, strawberries, and a piece of corn on the cob, packed in an Easylunchbox.

The Girl has a Chobani Champions yogurt for snack (not pictured).  Her lunch is half a pretzel roll with ham and cheese, blackberries, orange slices, carrots with ranch, and a piece of corn on the cob, packed in an Easylunchbox.

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