Thursday, June 6, 2013

Family Lunches: 6.6.13

Daddy has a wrap with ranch, leftover steak, and salad, along with orange slices and jumbo mixed raisins.

I have a wrap with ranch, leftover steak, and salad, along with orange slices, peach slices, and cherry tomatoes.
Crackers: 20g, liverwurst: 2g, apple: 8g, cantaloupe: 5g, carrots: 2g

The Boy has a Chobani Champions yogurt for snack (not pictured, 9g).  His lunch is crackers, liverwurst, apple slices, carrots, and cantaloupe.

The Girl has another field trip, and has Chobani Champions yogurt for snack (not pictured).  Her lunch is in a strawberry container like some of my lunch packing brethren have done in the past.  She has a wrap with ham, ranch, and salad, along with jumbo raisins (in a baggie on the bottom), carrots, a small apple, a piece of corn on the cob, and a juice.

1 comment:

  1. I love all these wraps! Yum! Plus the field trip lunch looks amazing!
