Sunday, October 27, 2013

Family Lunches: 10.28.13

Happy Monday!  Normally, after a Halloween Party, I would be posting lunches full of party leftovers - but I managed to have no leftovers!  Anyone who throws parties should understand how thrilled this made me.. I didn't run out of food, I don't have a fridge full of leftovers.. It was just right.

So, instead, I made some crescent rolls with pepperoni and string cheese (I saw it on Pinterest, I'll try to dig up a link later), because we love Pizza Hut Pizza Rollers, and I thought it would be close.  I have a couple rollers, with mini bell pepper, orange (the peel gave itself to hard cider sangria), and some cinnamon grahams.
Rollers: 33g, crackers: 8g, grahams: 8g, oranges: 15g, carrots: 1g
The Boy has some Dick & Jane Educational snacks for snack (not pictured, 18g).  His lunch is three rollers, Scrabble Cheez-its, cinnamon grahams, mandarin oranges, and a couple carrot fingers.

The Girl also has some Dick & Jane Educational snacks for snack (not pictured).  Her lunch is three rollers, Scrabble cheez-its, cinnamon grahams, orange slices (sans skin), and a couple carrot fingers.

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