Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Lunches: 10.16.13 - Frightful Fall Blog Hop!

Happy Halloween Season!

Halloween is my favorite holiday.  Food is my favorite hobby.  Thus, Halloween lunches are a bit of a thrill for me.

Some of my Bento Blogger Friends decided to celebrate the season with a series of Frightful Fall Blog Hops. We will have three hops - I am part of the first one.  I hope that by hopping through our boo-tiful lunches, you will find some inspiration for your own haunted fun.

I decided to try something new for these lunches.  I picked up some Halloween wafer paper from Amazon (via  Wafer paper is traditionally used on cookies, and sometimes cakes.  I searched the web to see if anyone had posted using it on bread before - so this could be a first!

For the sandwiches, I cut the shapes out of the wafer paper with a sharp knife, painted the back with a little corn syrup, and then placed them on top of the bread.  I pressed them for about 10 minutes by putting a cast iron pot on top of them to makes sure the wafer paper was well attached.

We'll see how the kids like the flavor... but I really love the way the sandwiches look!

Carrot fingers: 1g, grapes: 5g, sandwich: 25g, spinach: 1g, star crackers: 8g, apple: 4g
So - for The Boy's lunch, I packed some grapes, carrot fingers with cheese finger nails, a salami and Cabot cheese sandwich on a sandwich thin with wafer paper decoration on a bed of spinach, apple slices, and cinnamon star crackers, all in an Easylunchbox.  For snack, he has some Dick & Jane Baking company Educational snacks (not pictured, review coming soon - 18g)

The Girl has grapes, a clementine Jack-o-Lantern, a turkey and Cabot cheese sandwich on a sandwich thin with wafer paper decoration on a bed of spinach, with apple slices (BOO!), and some cinnamon star crackers, all in an Easylunchbox.  She also has Dick & Jane Baking company Educational snacks (not pictured) for snack.

I hope that you have enjoyed my lunches, and now, head on over to Cristi at Bentonbetterlunches to see what's hopping next!


  1. Wow! Impressive lunches! I want to try some of that wafer paper.

  2. Love it! That wafer paper is so cool!

  3. These look great let us know what the kids think of the wafer papers, I think they are amazing

  4. Great idea with the wafer paper, I might have to try it!

  5. The wafer papers look amazing! I love the carrot and cheese fingers.

  6. Very nicely done! The wafer papers add such a nice to touch!

  7. The paper is very cool! everything looks perfect!

  8. The wafer paper is wicked. Let us know how the kids liked the taste!

  9. Wow, those look so impressive and professionally done. Now, I want to try wafer paper.

  10. Ooh, this is super super cool! These lunches look amazing!

  11. Wow, the results of the wafer paper on bread is great!

  12. They look amazing! I definitely need some wafer paper!!!
    Awesome lunches!

  13. Still in awe over your wafer paper idea. GENIUS!
