Friday, November 1, 2013

Lunches: 11.1.13

It's November!  Where is the year going?

I included some treats from the kids' Halloween haul in their lunches - the only ones "allowed" at their school are non-candy.  So, though the lunches today have more treats in them than normal, it's a special treat.
Sandwich: 22g, applesauce: 15g, Fruit-by-the-foot: 18g, Goldfish: 14g

The Boy has Goldfish crackers, Fruit-by-the-Foot, applesauce (with a Day of the Dead skull drawn on the cup), and a sandwich with ham.  His snack is a rice crispy treat (not pictured, 18g)

The Girl has Goldfish crackers, Beet crisps, Fruit by the Foot, Day of the Dead Applesauce, and a ham sandwich.  Her lunch is also a rice crispy treat (not pictured).

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