Thursday, November 7, 2013

Lunches: 11.7.13

Don't miss my giveaways for the Weelicious Lunches cookbook, Dick & Jane Educational Snacks, and the Robicelli's: A Love Story, with Cupcakes cookbook.
Liverwurst Puff Pastry Waffles: 18g, apple slices: 4g, strawberries: 5g, carrots and hummus: 2g
For Thursday lunches, The Boy has leftover puff pastry waffles from our Australian Meat Pie Waffles, with some liverwurst, along with apple slices, strawberries, and carrots with hummus.  His snack is a yogurt (not pictured, 12g).

The Girl has a gingerbread bagel with pumpkin cream cheese, rainbow carrots with hummus, strawberries, and some Brussels Sprouts.  Her snack is a yogurt (not pictured, 12g).

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