Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Lunches: 12.10.13

I was at the store and saw some cocktail sourdough, and I couldn't resist getting some for lunches.
Sandwiches: 33g, blueberries: 5g, chocolate cherry raisins: 15g, apple slices: 4g, Goldfish: 12g
The Boy has hummus, cheese, and salami on cocktail sourdough, along with blueberries, apple slices, Christmas Goldfish crackers, and chocolate cherry raisins in the little animal container.  His snack is yogurt (not pictured: 24g)

The Girl has sunbutter and jelly on cocktail sourdough, with blueberries, apple slices, Christmas Goldfish crackers, and chocolate cherry raisins.  She has yogurt for snack (not pictured).

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