Friday, January 10, 2014

Lunches: 1.10.14

Happy Friday!
Wrap: 25g, Corn chips: 17g, Fruit jelly: 6g, Apple slices: 4g, carrots: 1g
The Boy has a wrap with liverwurst, spinach, salami, and Cabot Cheddar, along with some corn chips from The Better Chip (review coming soon!), a fruit jelly from the Asian market, apple slices, and baby carrots.  His snack is Dick & Jane Educational snacks (not pictured, 18g)

The Girl has a wrap with a little Major Grey chutney, spinach, ham, and Cabot Cheddar, along with some corn chips from The Better Chip, a fruit jelly, apple slices, and baby carrots.  Her snack is also Dick & Jane Educational snacks (not pictured)

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