Friday, January 31, 2014

Lunches: 1.31.14

It's Friday, and the last day of the coldest January I can remember in a long time... we are all sick of the Polar Vortex around here, and I bet the majority of you are, too..we're even used to the cold (more or less) up here in Vermont, and it's still brutal.  Unfortunately, February is often the most cruel month of our winter... maybe this year will buck the trend.  All I want is some nice snow and temperatures between 15-30 F.  I know that doesn't probably sound nice to some of you, but I am a realist.  I would love to be able to get outside some, which has not been possible in the bitter weather.

Anyhow, for Friday lunches, I went easy.
Mini Bagel: 30g, banana: 28g, fruit jelly: 5g, apple slices: 8g, Goldfish puffs: 8g
The Boy has a small banana, golden delicious apple slices, Goldfish puffs, a fruit jelly, and a mini bagel sandwich with hummus and ham.  His snack is a yogurt (not pictured, 16g)

The Girl has strawberries, Goldfish puffs, a fruit jelly, and a mini bagel sandwich with hummus and ham.  Her snack is also a yogurt (not pictured)

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