Friday, January 3, 2014

Lunches: 1.3.14

It's so incredibly cold here, I was hoping that school would be closed.  With wind chill, it feels like -30 F, and it's not getting much warmer today.  But - we are in Vermont.  Schools are open.

Sandwich: 45g, carrots: 2g, raisins: 15g, apple slices: 4g, chips: 8g
So - The Boy has a Chobani Flip for snack (not pictured, 24g).  His lunch is marmalade and Cabot cheddar on homemade sandwich bread, along with baby carrots, raisins, apple slices, and some corn chips from The Better Chip (review coming soon).

The Girl also has a Chobani Flip for snack (not pictured).  Her lunch is a jelly and Cabot cheddar sandwich on homemade sandwich bread, with baby carrots, raisins, orange slices, and some corn chips from The Better Chip.

1 comment:

  1. Looks yummie!
    In Gothenburg, Sweden it seems like winter missed us this year. Still no snow and plus 10 degrees celcius
