Friday, April 11, 2014

Lunches: 4.11.14

It's Friday, and what a glorious day it is here in Vermont.. finally really warm and feeling like it might stick around (... and now I've invariably doomed us to have a blizzard next week...)
Sandwich: 28g, "Deconstructed S'more": 18g, apple slices: 8g, carrots: 2g
Friday lunch for The Boy is a ham sandwich, a graham cracker with one marshmallow and a couple dark chocolate chips for a fun treat, apple slices, and carrots.  His snack is a granola bar (not pictured: 34g)

The Girl has a ham sandwich, a graham cracker, a marshmallow, and a couple dark chocolate chips, along with apple slices, and carrots.  Her snack is a banana (not pictured).

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