Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Lunches: 4.16.14

Got to love Vermont... it was 80 on Monday and it snowed last night.  I am so ready for a real spring, and the kids are as well.  We all want to go hiking (and we are not winter hiking people) - and this weather is making hiking season look far off.  Hoping it isn't that long..

Wrap: 37g, cheddar penguins: 10g, strawberries: 4g, apple slices: 8g
Anyhow, The Boy's Wednesday lunch is a chicken Caesar wrap (his tummy is feeling better, he said), along with some cheddar penguins, strawberries, and apple slices.  His snack is a granola bar (not pictured, 34g)

The Girl has sandwich pinwheels with hummus, Cabot cheddar, and ham.  She also has some romaine lettuce with parmesan cheese, strawberries, and apple slices.  Her snack is a granola bar (not pictured).

Think warm thoughts!

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