Monday, May 12, 2014

Family Lunches: 5.13.14

I have more leftover sandwiches from The Boy's Calvin & Hobbes birthday party for our lunches!  There are only a few left, so tomorrow might be the last day of leftovers, but it is nice to be able to grab sandwiches out of the freezer and go.  I might have to make this kind of sandwich-in-bulk again, and freeze for the week.  I will let you know if I do it, and how we like it.

The Boy's - Sandwich: 45g, asparagus: 4g, grapes: 8g, Goldfish: 12g
The Girl's
My lunch
We all have the same lunches - leftover pesto, mozzarella, salami, and ham on whole wheat bread, with phyllo wrapped asparagus, grapes, and rainbow goldfish crackers.  The kids have yogurt for snacks (not pictured, 23g)

Happy Tuesday!

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