Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Family Lunches: 5.29.14

Sandwich: 20g, apple slices: 4g, grapes: 6g, cinnamon schoolbook cookies: 23g
The Boy has a sandwich with hummus, cheese, and turkey, with apple slices, grapes, and Cinnamon Schoolbook cookies.  His snack is a yogurt (not pictured, 19g)

The Girl also has a hummus, cheese, and turkey sandwich, along with apple slices, grapes, and Cinnamon schoolbook cookies.  Her snack is a yogurt and an apple.

The Hubby and I have the same lunch - leftover meatballs with marinara sauce, provolone cheese, sub rolls, grapes, and apple slices.  We had meatball subs for dinner, and we both wanted leftovers.  The kids were offered some, but were not as enthusiastic.

Disclaimer: I love Trader Joe's, but they do not sponsor this post or this blog. All opinions are my own (or that of the kids)

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