Thursday, May 15, 2014

Lunches: 5.16.14

Happy Friday!
Sandwich: 45g, carrots & hummus: 2g, Goldfish: 12g, apple slices: 8g
The Boy has a homemade whole wheat pain de mie sandwich with hummus, salami, ham, lettuce, and Muenster cheese, along with carrots, hummus, apple slices, and rainbow Goldfish.  His snack is a yogurt (not pictured, 22g)

The Girl also has a homemade whole wheat pain de mie sandwich with hummus, salami, ham, lettuce, and Muenster cheese, along with carrots, hummus, orange slices, and rainbow Goldfish.  Her snack is yogurt (not pictured)

I hope that you have a fabulous weekend!!

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