Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Lunches: 5.22.14

Sandwich: 25g, grapes: 8g, apple slices: 6g, cookies: 12g
For Thursday lunch, The Boy has a sandwich with Trader Joe's Unexpected Cheddar (have you tried this?  So yummy!) and strawberry jelly, along with grapes, apple slices, and Trader Joe's yogurt star cookies.  His snack is a yogurt (not pictured, 10g).

The Girl has an Unexpected cheddar and jelly sandwich, grapes, apple slices, and yogurt star cookies.  Her snack is a banana and a yogurt (not pictured).

Happy Thursday!

Disclaimer: I love Trader Joe's, but they do not sponsor this post or this blog. All opinions are my own (or that of the kids)

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