Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Lunches: 6.12.14

It's the last full day of school, and therefore, the last packed lunches of the school year!

I have not done anything fancy for them.  I've just packed delicious food that they can't wait to eat.  I think that's the goal, anyway.  I do like doing fancy and decorated lunches occasionally, but I am tired and uninspired.  So - delicious food it is!  No one is complaining.
Blueberries: 5g, Schoolbook cookies: 16g, sandwich: 20g, babybell: 1g, strawberries: 5g
The Boy has some blueberries, cinnamon Schoolbook cookies, strawberries, a babybell cheese, and a sandwich with cheese, white bean and basil hummus from Trader Joe's, and turkey.  His snack is provided at school this week.

The Girl also has blueberries, cinnamon Schoolbook cookies, strawberries, a babybell cheese, and a turkey, cheese, and hummus sandwich.  Her snack is an applesauce (not pictured).

Disclaimer: I love Trader Joe's, but they do not sponsor this post or this blog. All opinions are my own (or that of the kids)

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