Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Family Lunches: 8.28.14

The first (official) day of school for both kids was a smashing success!  They had great days, and are so far looking forward to the year to come.
Sandwich: 25g, crackers: 10g, cookies: 15g, pea crisps: 3g, watermelon: 5g, apple slices: 6g
The Boy's lunch for Thursday is a mini slider bun with hummus, smoked turkey, and cheddar-Gruyere cheese, along with apple slices, watermelon, pea crisps, Goldfish crackers, and schoolhouse cookies.  His snack is a yogurt (not pictured, 10g).

The Girl has a mini slider bun with hummus, smoked turkey, and cheddar-Gruyere cheese, with a green fig, pea crisps. Godlfish crackers, schoolhouse cookies, and a couple clementines.  Her snack will also be a yogurt (not pictured).

The Hubby has a mini slider bun with hummus, smoked turkey, and cheddar-Gruyere cheese, apple slices, blueberries, strawberries, and some Goldfish crackers.

I have a mini slider bun with hummus, smoked turkey, and cheddar-Gruyere cheese, a couple clementines, blueberries, apple slices, heirloom grape tomatoes, and Goldfish crackers.

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